Friday, February 1, 2013

Future Thinking

One of my most favorite things to do is decorate and organize. I just love furniture, art, and paint, and thinking about ways to renovate and decorate spaces.

Since finding out we are moving at the end of May back to Lubbock, TX we have been thinking quite a bit about where we will live. We have some dear friends who have moved to the Dallas area but have been unable to sell their house. So, we decided that we will rent it from them for a while! I'm really excited to already have a plan for where we will live.

Our house!

This weekend I spent quite a bit more than my allotted 30 minutes thinking about this house and our current furniture and perhaps future furniture. 

Living room, dining room, and kitchen

Using Pinterest I pinned different paint schemes, rugs, chairs, and accessories that I would like to someday have or copy. It was so much fun to just think about what might be someday.

I wondered though how others might feel about moving. I get excited, and planning and thinking about it is play for me. But for other people, like my husband, it can be really stressful. This got me thinking about our discussion last class period about norms and practices. For me, my parents encouraged me to rearrange my room and decorate it however I wanted. This was a common practice for me. I also spent a lot of time designing my barbies' houses. However, for someone like my husband, who never practiced decorating or designing homes, moving and planning a new home can be stressful. 

One person's play can be another person's stress.


  1. Oh what fun! I love the planning, the deciding how my space will be, where everything will go. It's the packing and moving day that I really, really don't like. And the worst, absolute worst, is after you have everything packed up, having to clean the old place. YUCK! BUT, strangely, I just love unpacking and settling a new space. I think you'll have a BLAST. Hope there's an IKEA near Lubeck!

  2. That's funny you say that! I feel the same way- packing and cleaning are the worst, but I love unpacking!! There is an IKEA not too far- it's in Dallas, where my family is. So two birds, one stone.
